When I am in public with all 4 of my girls it is almost a guarantee that I will hear one of the following questions. Do you have twins? Do you have 2 sets of twins? All girls? Oh, your in trouble when they hit the teenage years! I was in Childrens Place today with the girls when I was asked, "Those two aren't twins are they?" This is a question I actually get a lot. People get confused because they look they same age and are dressed alike but they don't look anything a like. My twins couldn't be any different. Payge-straight hair, Preslee-curly hair, Payge-tons of hair, Preslee-not so much, Payge- Olive skin, Preslee-white as white, Payge-right handed, Preslee-left handed, Payge-laid back, Preslee-has a temper, the only thing that they have the same is their big blue eyes. They are definetly Salt and Pepper and that is why they are best friends. They are never apart and Payge is content to follow Preslee around and take her beatings. Payge has learned to fight back when Preslee tries to take her food or toys away. Seriously, we love having twins and feel so blessed to have them in our family!