Friday, August 29, 2008

The long term effects of having a binki for TOO long!

I didn't have the heart to take Maycie's binki away when she turned 1 like I did with Brilynn. She loved it so much and I loved that she went to bed and took long naps as soon as she would lay down with her binki. The day came when she was going to be 3 and we knew it was time for Maycie to get rid of that dreadful plug in her mouth. She told everyone that as soon as she turned 3 she wasn't going to have a binki anymore. She held strong to her word and didn't think twice about getting rid of all binkis. I wish that was the end of the binki drama, but it is only the beginning. As soon as the binki was history, so were her lovely must have afternoon naps. I would try to rock her, sing to her, lay with her, but there was no naps without a binki. So to this day Maycie refuses to take her afternoon naps. Sometimes though, in the early evening she has a hard time staying awake and can get in one of her famous "I don't even care." moods. On this particular day I had been after Maycie for half an hour to eat her dinner. I told her not to even think about leaving the table until her dinner was gone. I continued to go about my hectic 5 o'clock hour schedule of trying to clean up dinner, feed the twins, change the twins, and put the twins to bed. Right as I was getting ready to take the babies upstairs, John walked in the door and just stood there with his hands on his hips and looked at Maycie and said, "What a doll baby!" Maycie had fallen asleep in the middle of eating and being disciplined. I felt so bad that she had fallen asleep in front of her dinner. Since giving up the binki she refuses to take a regular nap in her bed but it isn't uncommon to find her in the early evening taking a cat nap.

1 comment:

Leslie Wentz said...

Glad she is doing okay with out the binki!!!! All of your girls are so darling! :)