Saturday, August 15, 2009

T-R-O-U-B-L-E (x 2)

I really thought I had this whole "TWIN" thing mastered. The first few months were stressfull, but by about 3 or 4 months I had them on the same strict routine and life was good. Let me just say...about the last 2 weeks, these 2 little sweeties have become LOTS and LOTS of work. They are into EVERYTHING. They follow each other around making not just little messes, but big messes (like dumping all the cereal on the floor and then laughing together as they crush them into little tiny pieces or getting into my plants and getting the little strands of grassy things all over the house). I barely get one mess cleaned up and then it's time to clean up the next one. My only saving grace is Nap times and Yo Gabba Gabba. I have always had issues with letting my kids watch TV, but with Brilynn back in school, sometimes the TV is the only babysitter I have for a few minutes. Watching Preslee and Payge interact with each other is so fun and I love it, but I really am getting worried about what the next few months are going to be like. Until they are old enough for me to reason with them a little more, I think my poor house is doomed. So if you plan on stopping by anytime soon...please give me a heads up WAY in advance;)


Unknown said...

OH MY!!! I can't even imagine what the next, oh, year & 1/2-2 years are going to be like for you, so not jealous of that, Lincoln just got into that stage a couple months ago also and I can't even imagine it x 2. Your pictures are adorable though, and I love your new background, so cute! I guess it was about time to take down the x-mas page huh?... totally kidding!!! Looks like you had a fun summer, I have no idea where those 3 months went, but I have to admit I am a little excited to be back on a schedule, are you guys headed up this way anytime soon? Oh I and I keep meaning to ask you if you have heard Kristen is having baby #3:)

lovebeingamom said...

It's a good thing they are so stinkin' cute!

Tanner and Kristin said...

Oh definitely have your hands full. I feel like Raegan can unload cupboards faster than I can put them back together. I can't imagine having two of her! Somehow, some way, you'll still manage to have a perfect house, I'm sure!!

Lisa said...

I am so not jealous of you, although I do think it would be a blast watching them and how they interact with one another!

Cute swimsuit picture!

Derk and Ashley said...

This makes me seriously laugh my head off! You are so funny!

Heather said...

That is too funny! It is a pretty crazy stage they are in. My shower's have gotten pretty quick cause I never know what Aidan is up to!