Sunday, November 1, 2009


This was Preslee and Payge's first experience with trick or treating. It was so much work for John and I but they loved it. Preslee was making me laugh the whole night. She wouldn't let us carry her or push her in the stroller. She had to walk, by herself, from house to house. Then when her bucket got full I dumped it into another bag. She had a complete melt down. I had to put the candy back in her bucket. She would get upset if the people wouldn't let her pick out her own candy, and she would try to get 2 or 3 pieces at each house. She made it so fun. Payge was content with whatever. The only hard part with Payge was that she wanted to eat every new piece of candy that she got and Preslee just wanted to get to the next house. We had a trunk or treat on our street then we took the kids to the mall. After that we came home and went door to door. The girls got a lot of candy this year and I guess it helped that Preslee and Payge participated this year as well. After trick-or-treating, we came back to our house and had our annual soup dinner with the Butler and Smith families. We enjoy spending the evening with friends and letting the kids run wild in the basement. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and it seems like it comes and goes so fast. Now I have to start planning Thanksgiving!!!


lovebeingamom said...

You guys look great! The girls look adorable! I can NOT believe that pile of candy. I hope you have good dental insurance! Sounds like you guys had a great Halloween!

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

You guys all looked great for Halloween! You're quite the blogging sista lately. Good for you!

Ballard Family said...

Those are the cutest bunch of witches I have ever seen!!! and HOLY CRAP! I don't know if I ever seen that much candy, WOW that should probably last until about New Years :)

Amie said...

oh my gosh!!!!look at that candy:) your kids are going to be on a sugar high the rest of the year! mWhat addorable girls you have-love all the costumes.

Ben and Marcie said...

I love the costumes! Especially John's, lol!! It looks like they had lots of fun!

Derk and Ashley said...

Your costumes are so cute! Everyone looks so fun! I'm sad it's all over!

Beth Borup said...

You guys are decked out - looks awesome! Holy cow - that is a massive amount of candy!

Stacie said...

I accidentally called Brilyhn a witch, boy did she get after me :) I can't believe your twins' cute hair, long enough for those piggy tails! I'm jealous!

Heather said...

Holy cow! Check out all that candy! Love the costumes!

Deena said...

Amanda, everytime I look at your blog I have to take big breathes and remind myself, "You're a good Mom, Deena. Not everyone is as on top of things as Amanda. Yes, she has skills and talents galore. You have two or three yourself." Breathe in, breathe out. There...see...I'm fine. :) Thanks for another great Halloween! We look forward to those.