Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Easter Eggs, Hunts, and Baskets:)

This was the first year the twins joined us in coloring the easter eggs. Payge got a little bored waiting for the eggs to sit in the dye. 

 When asked if she was having a good time though...this was her reaction!

 Brilynn and Maycie were good sports to help the twins use the tye-dye machine

 Then Payge was mad when it wasn't her turn to use the machine:(
 After awhile, the girls got Dad to get involved with the FESTIVITIES!

 ohhh...once again Payge is HAPPY

 This year we decided to have an Easter Egg hunt at the park with some neighbors instead of trying to battle the whole city of Syracuse at the city's hunt.  This was much more enjoyable for the kids and the parents.

 Easter Morning was a little crazy.  We had to get ready for church before the girls could go downstairs to see what the bunny had brought them. 
 Brilynn had just finished reading all of the Diary of a wimpy kid books, so she was thrilled to be able to watch the movie. 
 Payge is so proud of her gummy bears!!!
 Sweet Pres loves books.  She doesn't let me put her down for a nap or bedtime without reading a stack of books.

 This year the bunny brought their Season Passes to Lagoon.  They were much more exited about this than their Dad.  This to him means lots of time spent at a place that isn't his idea of "FUN" however once we get there, he loves to see his girls enjoying the rides!

 Grandma and Grandpa Batty sent an Easter package to the girls.  Just what they needed.  More SUGAR!!! Thanks for being so thoughtful mom and dad.

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