Sunday, September 9, 2012

All about me Preschool

 I really struggled with trying to decide if I should put these girls in Preschool.  I was not in any hurry to get rid of them sooner then I had to.  We tried to get into a program that was an at home Preschool that was done online but we weren't excepted.  I was okay with that and just decided I would teach them on my own.  A few weeks ago a lady in our neighborhood posted that she still had a few open spots in her Preschool.  The same week John told me that the owner of the company he works for wanted to know if I would be interested in doing some medical billing from home sometime within the next few months once he got some new clients.  It all just fell into place and I felt really strong that I needed to send them to Preschool.  I think I am just having a hard time facing the fact that we are leaving a stage of our life that we have been in for the last 10 years.  There are definite benefits of the new stage that we are in and we are loving it but at the same time I am having a hard time knowing that all of my girls are getting older and we are out of the infant/baby/toddler stage.  Some may say..."Well that means you just need to have another one."  I feel very strongly that that isn't the answer for me.  I am content with the children we have and don't feel like I need more.  I fully believe that no matter how many children I would be hard knowing that i am  leaving a certain stage of life and moving on.  Preslee and Payge are a huge blessing to our family.  I never thought I would ever have the chance to have twins.  Having twins has been one of the funnest things about being a parent.  The relationship they have and the interaction that goes on between the two of them is absolutely PRICELESS.  I treasure these times while they are so little and innocent. 
 Payge was mad that the fly was buzzing around her head and wouldn't leave her alone.  I love this pouty face so much!
 This girl for sure has the west genes in her!

The first day of preschool I went to pick them up.  They got in the car and I asked how their first day of preschool was.  Preslee was far from impressed with her first day of school.  She said, "Princess Peach only came to me 1 time and went to everyone else 9 times."  After a little bit of question and answer I was able to figure out that Princess Peach is a hamster.  They put her in a ball and sat in a circle and Princess Peach would run around in the circle in her ball.  Preslee took it very personal that Princess Peach only came to her 1 time.  On the second day of preschool Preslee was pleased to inform me that Princess Peach didn't make her sad today because they left her in the cage all day instead. 

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