Sunday, September 23, 2012

Our friends invited us to go to the BYU vs. Boise State game on Thursday.  It was a little stressful  getting the kids taken care of.  Brilynn and Maycie didn't want to miss school and mess up their attendance.  My friend needed me to babysit her son for a few days so we ended up swapping and she kept Bri and Maycie for us.  They were excited to get to have a sleep over with friends since this is usually something that we don't allow.  We left on Thursday afternoon and drove the LONG and UNEVENTFUL drive to Boise.  We took the twins with us and they stayed with some friends of friends who had a teenage daughter.  After dropping them off we headed to the Stadium.  We had amazing seats and a perfect view of the players and the field.  Although the game was hard to watch since BYU had some horrible plays and I ended up with a stress headache, John and I had a great time together with just the two of us (our friends were sitting on the other side)  After the game we picked up the girls and went to our hotel room.  Friday morning we went to Denny's for breakfast and then started the LONG and UNEVENTFUL drive home.  Although it was a short and quick trip it was fun being able to spend time with our friends and cheer on BYU.

1 comment:

Derk and Ashley said...

Those dang Cougs...if they don't stop stressing us all out...seriously! That was a stressful game and I too had a headache and it was not fun. Glad you got to go though and get away. Its been forever, how are you? You look darling!