Thursday, February 5, 2009

Never Amazed...Just Makes Me Laugh

I am never really shocked when I get my camera and realize that Brilynn and Maycie have been taking pictures of each other. Today I went to take a few pictures of the twins and when I was reviewing the pics...this is what I found on my camera.

Don't ask me what is up with her undershirt...she has her arm strap around her neck??? She must have had her hair in braids and decided to take her hair out. Then Maycie must have taken the picture just in time to have her eyes look like they are going to POP out of her head. Like I said, Never Amazed...Just Makes Me Laugh


Tanner and Kristin said...

What a cute picture! You need to save that and show it to her boyfriends in 10 or 15 years! Tanner is taking a photo class at Inkleys (I think it came with his Nikon when he bought it). Anyway, good luck finding a class. Photography seems to be a popular hobby lately! Your pictures are I'm not sure why you would even need a class!?!

Kimberly Lee said...

That is hilarious! That's a keeper for sure.

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree that you should keep in and show her future boyfriends. I'm glad I was there for this one! When I took their hair down and brushed it out Brilynn looked in the mirror & she thought it was so funny! I had to take a picture!!!