Thursday, July 22, 2010

Birthday Partay

On Saturday Brilynn had her friend birthday party. This is something that Brilynn looks forward to every year. She counts down the days, then hours, and usually the minutes. I know my cupcakes are a big dissapointment to all my talented cake makers, but this is an area that I chose to keep sweet and simple. This is about as good as it gets at the West house:)She got lots of cute and fun gifts from her friends. They really do have a sweet group of girls and they all get along so well!!!

On Monday, her true birthday, we continued to celebrate. We woke up early, spent a few hours at Chuck E. Cheese, went birthday shopping with her birthday money, went to lunch, had dinner at Cracker Barrel where she enjoyed her free birthday dessert, spent the evening at boondocks where her and Maycie were very competitive while racing the go-carts, finished off the night with her presents. Brilynn is actually getting hard to buy for because she really doesn't want toys, but isn't into clothes, and has just about everything she needs. This year the only thing she wanted was a pair of "real" walkie talkies so that she could share them with her friends and they could pretend that they are cell phones. Since cell phones are years down the road I thought it was a great idea. It makes me laugh to listen to the conversations that they have had on the walkie talkies. It makes me SMILE! Happy birthday Brilynn.

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