Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bri bri

So tonight I got a phone call from Brilynn's teacher, Mrs. Forest.  Some of you may know that she is known as a strict teacher at Bluffridge and I think sometimes gets a bad rep. for being "mean."  However, I really felt strong that she would be a good teacher for Brilynn.  I am so glad that I chose her for Brilynn's teacher.  She really has been so good to Brilynn and has really encouraged her to do her best.  So when I got the phone call for her tonight I was a little worried at first.  My heart jumped a little when she told me who she was.  I had a split second where a million things ran through my head of WHY she would be calling me out of nowhere. For those of you who know Brilynn, you know that she has quite a bit of "spunk" to her and I never really know what to expect.   Thank Heavens, it was a good phone call.  Mrs. Forrest said she was just calling to tell me that Brilynn is "kicking butt" at school and thought I would appreciate knowing that.  She said she is the 2nd furthest on her multiplication and the first one to reach all of her AR goals.  It makes a parent feel good to know that their child is doing well at school, but what made me feel even better is that her teacher would take the time (at 7:00 in the evening, after school hours) to make a phone call to a students parent just to tell them what a good student they have.  That is pure dedication in my book and something I truely appreciate.  I am so grateful for both Brilynn and Maycie's school teacher and all that they have done for them this year.  Keep up the hard work girls:) 

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