Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Where's all the SNOW???

The girls had been begging for us to go sledding.  I don't remember the last time we didn't have snow on the ground in January.  A few weeks ago we decided to head over to the park even though there wasn't very much snow.  Once I started getting everyone "bundled up" I was quickly reminded how much work it is to get everyone's snow clothes on.  Then the one her gets dressed first gets really hot and starts complaining while I am trying to dress the other 3.  Anyway...
The twins loved their new snow hats.  The "princess flowers" were their favorites!!!   

 You can tell we were really pressing our luck with the snow.  There was enough to keep them entertained though.

 Payge was waiting so patiently for someone to give her a push down the hill.

 Brilynn and Maycie really do take care of the twins.  They feel very lucky to have twin sisters!

 Payge loved going down the hills with Brilynn

 Brilynn was determined that she wasn't to BIG for the twins sled:)
 Poor Preslee had such a hard time bringing the sled back up the hill.
 Good thing Dad was there to come to the rescue!

 Maycie also helped Preslee get up the hill.  What a sweatheart!
 Since the hills were pretty small and like I said before...not a lot of snow, the playground quickly grabbed the girls attention.  It's been a while since we have able to play on the playground. 

My feelings are that if it's going to be cold...we might as well have snow.  We are axiously awaiting the next snow fall and hoping that we can get some "real" sledding in before spring arrives!

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