Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas Lights

Brilynn and Maycie were so disappointed last year that we didn't have christmas lights outside. They complained about it every time we left the house and every time we would come home. So this year John agreed to put lights on the house. It was our first time doing it and he actually did an awesome job. They look very professional and I was very pleased. However, the thing I was most excited about is that he didn't fall off the roof. I had to run and grab more lights while he was doing it and I was so worried that I was going to find him laying on the ground when I got home. Thank goodness that wasn't the case. I will post a picture of the the finished product later but here is a picture of the work in progress.

1 comment:

Beth Borup said...

I can not believe that he got up there that high! That's crazy! My kids really want lights on the house and in the yard, too.