Monday, January 23, 2012

 Once again Snowflake the elf came to visit this year.  On Dec 1st Maycie went down to get ready for school.  She saw snowflake sitting by the fireplace and and started to scream.  She gave Snowflake a big hug and tears started to roll down her cheeks.  The other kids were excited as well but not to that extent ;) 
 We enjoyed doing the 12 memories of christmas again this year.  This is also something that we look forward to each year.  Although I didn't take pictures of everything, I did capture a few of them.  One of the memories was a family christmas puzzle.  It was pretty complex and maybe we need to try a little easier one for next year. 

 Snowflake continue to do tricks throughout the month of Dec.  The girls love it when she writes on their faces.

 Another memory was a christmas craft where the girls made sand ornaments.
 Another memory was hot chocolate and new hot chocolate mugs.
A few of the other memories we did were Santa Visit, Christmas lights, Festival of the Trees, painting christmas ornaments, playing the christmas chimes, and a christmas movie night. 

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