Monday, January 23, 2012

For the LOVE of H&M Shoes!

 We went with a few friends done to check out H&M when it opened at Fashion Place Mall.  It was crazy and hectic and I had the twins with me so I wasn't really able to focus and shop.  The twins didn't seem to mind the chaos and they had to problem finding the perfect pair of shoes. They each picked out differnt shoes that they LOVED.   Shoes are really the last thing they need so I let them hold them for awhile and the plan was to put them back as soon as they got tired of them.  This was about 3 months ago and they are still not tired of these shoes!!!  They were them everywhere and with every outfit no matter if they match or not.  I other 6 pairs of shoes that they have have barely left their closet.  They LOVE these shoes.  Before they wore them outside they wore them in the house non stop including nap time and bedtime.  Once they started wearing them outside I quickly had to put my foot down on them wearing them in the house.  I think this is the only item they own that isn't matching.  Is that why they love them so much????????

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