Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Christmas 2011

 We had a wonderful Christmas this year.  I loved that we had church first thing in the morning.  It helped the girls to focus on Christ before opening all their gifts.  We got up and go ready for church and then went downstairs to see what Santa brought the girls.  Brilynn had asked for a moped scooter about 2 months before.  I told her that was to expensive and there was no way she would get it.  We left it at that and not another word was spoken of it.  Santa must have gotten a great deal on the scooter since she already had a razor motor scooter.  Santa was a little tricky and hid the scooter behind the tall doll house.  She didn't see it when she first came in.  I was actually very impressed that she was still excited about the small things that she did get from Santa.  Here is the video link of her suprise.

Christmas Morning 2011

 It was fun to see her totally suprised and so excited.  The moped goes really fast and is really fun to ride.  She spent the afternoon giving the twins rides.  Can't wait till it is warm so she can spend more time outside with it.  She did hop on it the other day to go babysitting for our neighbors.  It made me laugh to watch her hop on her moped and speed off to "work" 
 The twins got their dollhouse..."just like they wanted." 
 The dollhouse is a little big and we had to do some cleaning out in the play rooms.
 These 2 are so entertaining. 
 Maycie insisted that she wanted a push scooter.  She was tired of having electric scooters. She wanted something that she could ride with her friends.  The electric scooters are 2 fast sometimes. 

 Once we got home from church we had a small breakfast and finally started opening gifts around 11:00.  We were almost finished when Payge cut her finger on a Magnet board I got.  It was really deep and right in the crevis of her finger.  We really should have taken her in, but that was the last place we wanted to go on Christmas Eve...the ER.  Instead we bandaged it up and put some super glue on it.  I couldn't look at it and didn't until the next morning.  I about fainted when I did.  It was gouged open and very deep.  I had no idea it was that bad.  I rushed her over to my friend who is a PA and asked her if she thought I should take her in. She said that they would have done stitches if I would have taken her in but they won't do stitches once its been more than 10 hrs.  She said the super glue will do the same thing and just keep it clean.  She also informed me that she keeps stiches at her house at all times.  Wish I would have know that before but note to self for the future.  I continue to worry about it because it took almost 1 weeks to heal. 

We enjoyed the rest of the day by hanging out, eating, playing xbox, sewing, and playing Barbies.  We had a nice dinner of ham, potoates, jello, and pie.  So sad to see the day end but so excited to put all the christmas decor up the next day. 

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