Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Big Sisters

I really thought that Brilynn and Maycie would get tired of having babies around. I was completely wrong. They play with them all the time and although they don't fight over who gets to hold the baby they do fight over who gets to hold who. Depending on the activity and who is fussy, they always seem to want to hold the same baby. Drives me crazy!!! The first thing Brilynn does when she comes home is say, "I'm home mom, are the babies up?????" I can't complain to much though because they are the best little babysitters!!!


Leslie Wentz said...

They interact so adorably! :) Twins would be fun, but I am sure they are a lot of work! Your girls are so cute!

Heather said...

I bet that is so nice having them help out. I still laugh about when we were at Beau and Amber's and I said where do I get me helper's like you have and Brilynn said, "probably in your tummy." So funny! Your girls are so so cute!