Monday, July 9, 2012

Bluffridge 5k run

 Well I think this picture says it all for Brilynn.  She absolutely HATED the 5k race.  It was pure torture for her.  I wasn't sure I wanted to do the race again this year but Brilynn and Maycie were adament that we do the race.  I made a deal with them.  I said I would pay the money to do the race but they were going to run the entire time.  I warned them that it wasn't going to be easy but I knew they could do it.  So we paid the money and waited for the race.  John kept the twins so that I could run the entire time with Brilynn and Maycie.  We hadn't even gotten 1/2 mile when Bri started complaining.  I just kept telling her that she could do it.  By mile 2 she was in tears.  She said her feet were about to fall off.  Maycie was tired but really hadn't said that much.  I tried to distract Brilynn by talking to her about things that I thought would take her mind off running.  No such luck.  As we got close to the finish line I told her she better wipe those tears because everyone was going to be watching her run across the finish line.  We finally made it and believe it or not she didn't even pass out.  I know some people probably think this was really mean of me to do.  However, I really wanted to teach her an important life lesson.  I wanted her to learn that even though things are really hard sometimes we can finish it and we don't have to quit just because it's hard.  I also wanted to teach her once you commit to something...don't give up. 

 After the race we ate dinner at the school.  While eating Brilynn said "Why would anyone every "PAY" to run!!!"  Although it might not have been the best experience for Brilynn we still had a great time and maybe next year it will just be down to myself and Maycie!!!

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